We always say that we are multicultural and open to new things. By her ancestry alone Jennifer has been raised multi-culturally: Her mother is German with Polish and her father was Indonesian with Chinese ancestors. She moved with her parents from Germany to Indonesia in her childhood where she finished her school and came back to Germany for her studies.


I, the native Franke (not Bavarian!) with Turkish parents, was born in Germany and had spent most of my life in Frankfurt. But I also grew up without cultural boundaries and had a multicultural environment.

During her studies, Jennifer had been around somewhat because of her field research, a semester abroad and an excursion. I also used my youthful recklessness (17-23 years) and tried to get around and explored as much as possible with friends in and around Germany. After that I completed an apprenticeship and after a few years I even made part 1-2 of my master craftsman’s diploma. At the German branded company, where I had completed my apprenticeship, I spent another 12 years.


How Jennifer and I met is a story that’s almost novel like. On 21.04.2013 we met for the first time, but we’ve got to know each other on the internet. After 1-2 weeks of correspondence we agreed to meet on the bridge “Eiserner Steg” (iron bridge). It was probably love at first sight, because since then we have been together, even though I introduced her to my mother only one year later. A short time afterwards, we had already merged our accounts and moved in together. 6 months after moving into our own home, where we observed that we are doing well together, I asked her the crucial question. The wedding then followed another 6 months later.

We are a somewhat headstrong couple who have common interests despite different characters. Already at the beginning of our relationship, we found that especially travelling is a link between us. Jennifer with her Master’s Degree in Anthropology and I with my half Master Craftsman’s Diploma as a galvanizer, complement us in various aspects. She takes over our bookkeeping and external communication and I take care of planning and our technical equipment. Interestingly, these are exactly the tasks that the other doesn’t like to do. So, it always happened that Jennifer sets the budget limits and makes the reservations. I try to either undervalue or at least not to blow the budget and take care of our required technical equipment.


When we arrive at a holiday destination, our daily routine can be separated, which then is still perfectly coordinated and so wanted. I have no interest in manicure and Jennifer just slightly in fitness training. At the pool and during dinner we always stay together. Exceptions (e.g. when Galatasaray has a game) confirm the rule!